E3 2017:育碧发布手游《南方公园:手机破坏者》


一款新的《南方公园(South Park)》游戏将登陆手机。

South Park: Phone Destroyer combines real-time strategy, collectible cards and South Park characters as you’ve never seen them before!  Players will build, upgrade and master decks of iconic characters to unleash the true strength of the cards they acquire, while learning to use them strategically. And then there is multiplayer. In real-time, synchronous, competitive player vs. player action, players will employ all their skill and knowledge to defeat opponents on a rise up the global multiplayer ranks.

育碧Ubisoft)在E3发布会上,推出了手游南方公园:手机破坏者(South Park: Phone Destroyer》。它将在今年晚些时候在苹果App Store和谷歌Google Play商店上线。

Stills from the reveal trailer for South Park Phone Destroyer from E3 2017.


E3发布会上,育碧还推出了一款《南方公园:完整破碎(South Park: The Fractured But Whole)》,它有一个全新的宣传片,游戏将在10月17日正式发布。

  • 平台/主題
  • Android
  • iPhone